Ok, so this isn’t about Burt… I don’t even know a Burt. But this is about introverts.
I am the epitome of an introvert. I am literally convinced that no one is more of an introvert than myself… well maybe someone is more introverted, but you catch my drift. From the time I was young I was always very reserved, quiet and to myself. This may come as a surprise to some who “know me”, but I do a good job of coming off as a little more outgoing. For those of you who know me, know it does not come naturally. Trust me when I say, it is extremely hard work, like seriously… I have to dig deep to put myself out there. *cue horror music* Any of my fellow introverts can agree to this, I am sure.
Introverts get a bad rap in a world that celebrates extroversion and “people-persons”. There are things us introverts wish you knew about us that would help any relationship or situation. For instance, we are not anti-social or depressed, we’re just different. People love us, in secret. As introverts, we have many “ways” that only our closest friends understand.
Some funny, but super true facts about us Intros…
::We don’t need you to care about our birthday::
Yeah, we don’t. We have friends who genuinely know us and care, if we care. However, an interesting thing about introverts, is some don’t need to celebrate it. We’re okay with quietly honoring the day on our own or with a group of friends we’ve carefully selected. We don’t have to let the world know. *yes mom, this is exactly how I feel* My mom is the queen of letting the world know and celebrating for a month, no lie 😉
::We are not really listening as you recount your weekend::
Unless you are part of our circle of friends, we don’t care what you did last weekend. We are of the mind that everyone has a right to privacy, and if you chose to spend it in a drunken stupor or beating down the door of your ex, then that is up to you. We don’t judge, and find it takes too much energy to give it to people we don’t know. Just because we work with you, that doesn’t mean we know you.
::We hate crowds::
Large groups of people make us tired. All the stimulation of having so many different types from all walks of life can make us a little woozy. Some introverts are empaths, so they tend to take on the energy of others easily. We sometimes feel like we “know” everyone in the room and get easily overwhelmed with the swirl of activity. *my god, I just felt pain from reading this*
::We don’t really like networking events::
This is especially hard for introverts who run a business. Networking makes us feel like we have to perform. We struggle to say the right thing and listen attentively. We don’t really care since we don’t know you. Even in business, we have to feel connected to someone on another level to get the most out of a networking type of event. This takes time, and choosing the right event, and coming up with a plan to offer value to others, while getting some for ourselves. *literally just spent hours thinking about this last night with networking for TheBlogery*
Now for some things to prove we are good people …
::We know how to get stuff done::
We pack our alone time with activities–projects, phone calls, emails, rough drafts and blueprints for world takeover of our next big idea (which we have lots of). We value solitude because it lets us experiment with new concepts, plan and stretch our imagination. Anything is possible when we spend time alone, and what we create may change our lives, and yours, too. *yay, I am a life changer 😉 *
::You’re a dreamer::
As an introvert, you turn inward for energy instead of turning outward, which makes you prone to daydreaming. And often, that’s a good thing!
It’s true, of course, that too much daydreaming can be a problem (especially if the boss calls on you in a meeting). In fact, it’s easy for you to develop “introvert ADD,” which can cause trouble at work and at home. So you don’t want to spend too much of your day in la-la land.
However, daydreaming can also unleash your creativity and help you think outside the box. In fact, some of the greatest books, poems, and physics theories of all time have come from daydreaming introverts. So dream on.
::We feel safe with the right people::
When we have the right people in our lives, we give our all. We give our best selves. We become protective warriors who will fight almost any cause for someone we love. Just ask our friends. We blossom in the right company, and shine. It takes us time to find the right people, and when we do, we don’t hold back. *Taccara Rae approved*
::We can do the extrovert thing, for a while::
We have to do that to get along. We can be the life of the party, host the networking event, and be the chairperson of the charity. We do this willingly, knowing that at the end of the day we can go home. When we get there, it may take days, or weeks to replenish ourselves, and feel ready to do that again.
::You intrigue people::
It’s true! One of the most common comments that people make about introverts is that they’re enigmatic or mysterious. And that’s kind of cool, isn’t it?
Why do many introverts come across as mysterious? One reason is that they don’t say much, so people have to guess what they’re thinking. Another is that introverts tend not to show their emotions on their faces. Now, being mysterious can sometimes be a problem if you’re an innie. For example, people may think you’re being aloof or ignoring them, and you may not communicate what you need from them. (It is possible to be too enigmatic.) But other times, being quietly mysterious works to your advantage because it can make people think you’re hiding intriguing secrets when you’re really just thinking about something mundane, like whether you remembered to buy laundry detergent the last time you were at the store.
::We are not shy, rude, angry or uptight::
At first, we may seem that way. Get to know us, and we can actually make you laugh, and hold a conversation that lasts more than 15 minutes. The thing is, we don’t share this with everyone. Being “social” or “sociable” is an option, not a way of being. We can’t fake happy or excited really well, and we show what we think on our face, not as much in our words.
::We make a choice to be with you–appreciate it::
We value our alone time and are picky about who we let in. Letting in the wrong person will drain us, leaving nothing for ourselves. We tend to attract extroverts who suck our energy, and search out likeminded introverts for our groundedness, deep thinking and sense of control. We appreciate our time with other introverts and have an understanding of each other’s limits and boundaries.
So there you have it. I know, I know…we’re insanely cool people, don’t be jealous. We’re all awesome in one way or another 😉
There is a really fun personality quiz, I took it and it is so on point it’s not even funny. It will literally break you down to a T. Click here to take the quiz
Stephanie Desir
If this is not me, then idk what is…??? so true! People need to understand!
And that is exactly why I did this piece…a kind PSA… LMFAO!