Hey guys. As you all know, we are currently going through one of the most devastating times in our history, as a nation, as a worldwide community. Now, more than ever, we need to remain in a state of gratitude for what we have and keep our thoughts positive. I know many of you many be asking, how a positive attitude is even possible during a time such as this. However, I urge you to find the silver lining during this challenging and confusing time.
Instead of focusing on the negative things this virus has done, let’s try to refocus. Let’s look for the positive things that can come of this darkness. There’s always light to be found, always. I know for me, I have been thoroughly enjoying this time “quarantining”. Not only is it a selfless action, because by doing this- I am keeping myself and others safe; it has given me so much time to think, clean (physically and mentally), refocus on goals set just a couple months ago….the list goes on.
While I am by no means advising you to throw caution to the wind, or negate the seriousness of this virus, I only implore you to keep positivity in the forefront of your mind. Your mind is such a powerful tool and I promise if you focus on positive, good thoughts- you will attract those things to you. Before I give you my list of “How to make it through Quarantine”, I want to leave you with my favorite quote from one of the greatest minds, Napoleon Hill. “Let us remember that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Like attracts like and your thoughts become things.”
Guys, together we WILL get through this. Stop whatever you are doing, wherever you are and take a deeeep breath. Go ahead, take one more. Make it really good. Staying home is NOT the worst thing in the world, it’s actually quite amazing. If you need some helpful tips of things to do, take a look at what The Blogery suggests for, “How to make it through Quarantine” !
- Spend quality time with hubby or wifey:

2. See if you have neighbors in need! Some of your neighbors may be suffering silently due to the fact that it is literally dangerous for them to be in public during this time. Hubby and I have been grocery shopping for the elderly and immune compromised <3 (wear your gloves!)

3. Get your #QuarantineGlam on- Because you have to look bomb for your snacks and practice makes perfect

4. Finish reading that book you put down a while ago, or never started!

5. Come on- does this even need a caption?! Most shelters are still open during this Stay-at-Home period. Go solo or with someone you know, (but keep distance) and love all the furry friends! They need love, too If you already have a furry friend, spend this time with them, since you would normally be at work!

6. Grab your yoga mat and get tune in to your local Yoga studio’s LIVE streamed classes on IG and FB! Or, pull up Youtube! Yoga is just as great in your kitchen, living room, home office, bedroom -whatevs
If Yoga isn’t your deal, grab some weights or go for a run!

7. Bake or cook! Because, you’ve probably already blown through your quarantine snacks…Whoops!

Throw in meditation, games, drawing, painting, singing, random dancing, tik toking, the list literally goes on and on. Have fun with this, don’t look at it like torture. Hoping my #QuaratineList will help see you guys through this. Trust me, our grandparents and great grandparents were called to war… being called to our couches is NOT the worst thing in the world
Before signing off- I just want to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the heroes around the country and the world right now. We believe in you, we need you and we pray for you. We thank you:
Doctors- Nurses- Emergency care workers- Transportation workers- Sanitation/Environmental cleaning workers- Grocery store workers- Pharmacy workers- Food industry workers/Food delivery workers-Volunteers <3

Thank you for not only this amazingly uplifting message but the List with Pixs! We truly need people like you in this world ? especially in these challenging times yet we remain hopeful and prayerful! Stay Healthy ?
Thanks, Vernice! Glad you loved the article 🙂
Ok Pal – taking your advice
Listed 16 things you suggested
1. Think ?
Pretty standard if you have a brain
2. Clean ?
That only took about 16 min to clean my apt
3. Read ?
Reading book about “End Times” Lord have
4. Spend time with Hubby ?
Too late ( he’s dead)
5. Help neighbors ?
Thanks to you and my precious grandson
and also bartered roll of t/p for box of tissue
6. Make Over
Have to decide what I want to make over into
7. Hug a pet ???
EEEEEOOOOOO you know how I feel about
8. Exercise
Working on it – so far just getting up and sit
sitting down is hard enough ?
9. Bake or Cook ??
10. Meditation ?
I fall asleep ?
11. Games ?
Play “Words with Friends” on phone
12. Drawing ?
13. Painting ?
I drew a stained glass outline on Saran
Wrap and painted it ? and did a f/b
painting with your mom (awesome)
14. Singing
That will be a SHOW ?
15. Dancing
Might have to call 911 so maybe not good
Idea but will try ?
16. Tik Toking
By the time I figure that out the crisis will
be looooooong gone ?
I will check in with you when I complete my tasks
Thank you for sharing and caring ???
Love you much ???
HAHAHAHHA! This is TOO funny! Thanks for reading my post and glad you went through the list! Your responses are too funny. Glad you have family and friends to make this time a little bit better :-p xoxo
Well Pal – just completed my first exercise session this morning – must say it felt pretty good ? will try to keep it up ?
Thank you so much for sharing, God bless and uphold you and yours ?❤️?
Thank you for reading. May God bless you and your family as well <3